Sunday, May 15, 2011

Colourful Roses for a colourful mind

While I was wondering what to do next, I saw a glass lying in one corner saying to me "Please use me!". So, what could be the next step? Obvious.. Draw a sketch!. Running imaginations quick and started scouting for a new good picture.

Roses are always a pleasant thing to watch!. One of the nature's beauty!. And of course, an excellent thing to draw!. Ain't it!!..

What is also interesting on this painting is that, this glass is not a regular square, rectangular glass! Instead, it is a round shaped glass :-). Hence, the design has to be carefully chosen and be correct to fit the round glass.

I hope you would enjoy viewing it and let roses refresh all our minds!!!!


  1. wow!!!!looks great neeraja!!

  2. Beautiful roses. I love the colors you chose and the bouquet looks pretty.

  3. thanks a lot for your comments!!! will upload more paintings soon!!!!!
